Next Thursday, April 11 at 7:30 p.m., at La Posta Foundation, in the Carmen neighborhood of Valencia, the artistic collective ideadestroyingmuros inaugurates the exhibition
ha-mygdala. confluences of mystical diagrams
In this exhibition ideadestroyingmuros presents a project carried out in Almedíjar in the months of February, March and April of last year, during the “Cultura Resident” artistic residency, promoted by the Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana.
Being one of the crops in the area and due to the symbolic value of its fruit, the almond tree is the guiding tree of this proposal: it has allowed links to be drawn between different contexts and representations of mysticism, from the mandalic ones to the “mystical mandorla” of Christianity, including those that the artistic group has been able to carry out.
This is an experimental artistic investigation, of an unprecedented nature, where the elements represented aim to stage the meeting as a third space that enables another opportunity for coexistence. A third space that can already be seen in the genealogy of the territory of Almedíjar and in its own name, which in Arabic means “meeting point”. In this sense, throughout the history of this geographical landscape, both Almedíjar and the Sierra de Espadán have been territories of encounters and disagreements that have had different cultures and beliefs as protagonists, such as Muslim, Christian and Jewish.
The need for correspondences between spirituality, nature, body, everyday life and artistic representation arises from anti-capitalism, from the post-exotic perspective and from the community life that the collective shares with the Senegalese baye fall diaspora, the latter a Sufi path of Islam, which invites us to seek another way of being in the world and a deeper and more harmonious connection with existence, close to mystical paths.
In ha-mygdala. confluences of mystical diagrams ideadestroyingmuros has rescued the relief printing technique (linocut) that has allowed us to live and experience relaxed and slow community creative processes, approaching active meditation practices. In the exhibition you can also view a videographic production related to the same concept of time as a space of contemplation. Finally, sensations, kinesthetic evocations, poetic strokes, inspired by almond trees have been compiled in an artist’s book and in a collective installation.
Various meetings and activities will be held throughout the duration of the exhibition.
On Friday, April 12 at 6:00 p.m. ideadestroyingmuros will present the artist’s book during a walk through Almedíjar that will allow us to visit the most emblematic places that have characterized, affected and that have been represented in this investigation.
In addition, the artistic group will guide two visits to the exhibition that will provide a more direct approach to the proposal.
We are waiting for you on Thursday, April 11 at 7:30 p.m. at the La Posta Foundation, Calle Pintor Fillol 2, Valencia.
This project has been possible thanks to the Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana through its Resident Culture program, La Surera Rural Meeting Space and La Posta Foundation.

#ideadestroyingmuros #artandspirituality #engraving #linoleum #feministphotography #feministart #artistbook #videoart # almond #almedijar #culturaresident
ideadestroyingmuros is a transcultural artistic group located in community artistic creation. He was born in Venice in 2005 and his name refers to the title of the 1970 musical composition Voci destroying muros by Luigi Nono. It is currently located between Italy, Spain and Senegal. The group focuses on issues of gender, sexuality, translation, postcoloniality, postexoticism, and community art. In her artistic career she has delved into the investigation of performative, theatrical, graphic, video art and textile installation practices. His works have been exhibited in different museums and universities, between France, Spain and Italy.
In 2014 she exhibited the textile installation Archipelagos in Struggle: Postexotic Islands at the Center d’études féminine et études de genre, of the Paris 8 University, while in 2016 the University of Verona hosted the community art textile installation Sunu Gaal. The Independent Studies Program (PEI) of Macba, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona, invited us in 2018 to carry out a community art workshop Between the Lands. methodology and autoethnography of knot weaving. In 2019, she participates in the artistic residency promoted by the CCCC, Idensitat and the Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana with the narang, genealogy of a souvenir project, in collaboration with the Museu de Belles Arts de Castelló.
From 2019 until today she collaborates with the research group of the University of Verona, Laboratorio Saperi Situati and the Master of Psychopedagogy of the Jaume I University of Castellón in carrying out training workshops on community art and education for students and teachers. In 2020, the CCCB, Center for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona, invites the artistic group to participate in the group exhibition ‘Feminisms!’ curated by Gabriele Schor and Marta Segarra with the textile installation Topal yone bi, follow the path. Since the same year, the collaboration, currently active, of ideadestroyingmuros with the IVAM, the Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, begins to carry out art and education projects. In 2021 they carry out the bioconstruction artistic residency Make a nest in collaboration with the Videterra collective at the Mare Memoria Viva Ecomuseum in Palermo, organized by the Saperi Situati Laboratory, with which they also collaborate on the community art project The Green Store, carried out between the international women’s house Casa di Ramia, the Verona Humanities department, the Verona City Council and the Contemporanea platform. In 2021 they receive the AVVAC (Artistes Visuals de València, Alacant i Castelló) award for the best collective.