Plastic contexts


As I walked through L’Horta I collected small material remains: natural or discarded objects. He always accompanied the selection of...
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The evolution of the view on landscape as an object of study, analysis and reference in art over the years has served numerous artists in the development of its conceptualization. The purposes of that view, previously stagnant, are currently varied and interdisciplinary. The very conception of the landscape has changed over the centuries until reaching the present day where it is man and not nature that predominates over its construction. We are in the era of what the Nobel Prize in Chemistry Paul Crutzen called “Anthropocene”, a point of no return in which man is the transformer of the environment with a global and geological reach.

Call for the development of an artistic project: Art and Geology


La Posta Foundation – Image research laboratory, has always paid special attention to artistic projects that put the focus on the territory and the landscape. Sometimes the most immediate territory (the Carmen neighborhood itself) and other times with a broader perspective. Sometimes with a more anthropological content and other times focusing attention on the landscapes.

Textile art in Indonesia. Ima Novilasari


In the last trip to Indonesia we had the opportunity to know the work of Ima Novilasari (1991, Blitar, Indonesia), who studied at the School of Art and Design of Surakarta. An artist/craftswoman who, although young, has a long experience in the field of tapestry, has developed among others a collaborative work with husbands and mothers "Visualization of the meaning of kinship through the Tapestry", a work that shows that during work in the group elaboration of tapestries other values ​​arise

La Posta Foundation publishes the book-catalog of the exhibition “The Inverted Classroom. Pedagogical Strategies and Artistic Practices from Sexual Diversity”


In Internet -in facebook FIDEX-, was submitted on December 11 book-catalog of the exhibition "The Inverted Classroom. Pedagogical Strategies and Artistic Practices from the Sexual Diversity", a work of the Research Group FIDEX, published by La Posta Foundation, in charge of Tatiana Sentamans and Daniel Tejero, coordinator Carmen G. Muriana and Scientific Committee as the Board of Trustees of La Posta Foundation composed by Román de la Calle, President, Guillem Pascual Cervera, Secretary, and Maria Jose Martinez de Pison, Vocal.