Entropic landscapes. The exhibition

In the exhibition space of the UPV Publishing House (next to the Ágora, the showcase next to UPV reprography)

The exhibition “Entropic Landscapes” is the end of the Workshop on Entropic Landscape, forming part of the [simulated] public participation process that has been proposed as part of the program of said Workshop, because, is in this way like all the rules and protocols of action in relation to with the declaration of Cultural Landscapes and Historical Sites demand it. From this perspective of the public participation process, what the exhibition seeks, like the rest of the activities planned in the public participation plan prepared by the participants in the Workshop, is to transmit to the public the experience of the identification and characterization of entropic landscapes, that we have been discovering in the different routes developed during the Workshop. We understand that transmitting that experience, with the emotions and feelings it has provoked in us, is essential when it comes to the identification and characterization of entropic landscapes, which is a type of symbolic or associative cultural landscape, to which it is directed the workshop. On the contrary, it is not enough to make a typical exhibition on landscape matters, of an extremely objective nature, that is, depersonalized and cold, which ends up transmitting to the public the feeling that everything has already been decided (we are not saying that these objective exhibitions are scientific, because ours is also scientific, in the sense in which science has always been understood, in the sense that the applied reasoning is made public so that it can be analyzed and criticized by the others; we have not confused science with the Excel sheet).

The feelings and emotions transmitted by the works on display, made on the basis of the recording of the experiences of the routes taken, using variable techniques, ranging from photography, the representation of images that speak of a certain chaos and things that We don’t know if they are half-made or falling apart; vestiges found along the paths traveled, which tell us about the coexistence of many activities, both agricultural and commercial, as well as artisanal, in a clearly urban or suburban framework; others invite us to introspection, like the kaleidoscopes that made us dream as children; a wide panoply of resources that come to activate diverse emotions and feelings, ranging from anger at some damage caused, to a certain surprise at not having known beforehand to see some things done by our fellow citizens, whom we had not taken into consideration (the use of bed bases and mattress springs, in closures and doors of small installations in the bed of the Turia River, in the section that goes from the Azud del Molí del Sol to the Azud del Repartiment, would deserve an individual exhibition).

matalas porta compressed

The aim is to transmit emotions and feelings generated by the experience of the identification and characterization of entropic and, in general, cultural, associative or symbolic landscapes, so that the public can be involved and make their own contribution to this process of identification and characterization of the landscapes.

Some of the works carried out by the participants have been prepared to be shown online, on this website. Is the works from Inma Peiró ArnauMar Machado i Colomer i Lucía Firbas.


They have participated in the care and assembly of the exhibition, a large group of participants in the Workshop, who now that we are appeasing the binarism in all orders, we can mention without mentioning teachers and students, as follows: Mar Machado i Colomer , Martina Palomino, Lucía Firbas, Inma Peiró Arnau, Rocío Ll. Herrera Flores, Guillem Cervera Pascual, Chele Esteve, Matilde Igual Capdevila and Pablo Ávila.



Entropic landscapes. Exhibition. Public participation process

Public participation process: the plan

Workshop on Entropic Landscape (2nd ed.)