4GeneRelations Women

Paula Onet work for this exhibition approaches a family archive (focused exclusively on women) from the most contemporary visual and communication technologies. Four generations of Spanish women living together in a house confront his memory and his vision of the present, in a dynamic overlapping of their images and their voices. A relatively “dummy” and visionary construction, which projects on the future of technological change the actual documentation of memories (female) regarding this.

Not born a woman, one becomes one” said Simone de Beauvoir. In this social construction of gender, which inevitably passes through the visual memory file, mutations of technologies of production and circulation of images determine the new files of the future, our future ways of becoming a woman (Deleuze).

A crossmedia project Pelin Films and Antropodocs & Films.

This production is financed by the Romanian Cultural Institute through the Program CentenArt.todos-juntos

Cofinanced by logo-ajuntament-de-valencia



Files in Fugue (intro)

4GeneRelations Women -In progress-