Theresa Wilshusen has traveled a lot, wherever he has done it she has taken photos (with a device similar to Polaroid cameras; it couldn’t be more analog). She has focused her attention in particular on the small details that we find in a city that denote the way in which people construct their identity in relation to the environment. These photographs can now be seen at La Posta Foundation in a mural in which the photographs form pyramids. It is not the only reference to ancient Egypt. In fact, the entire installation wants to take us to the atmosphere that could have existed in the mortuary chamber that the pyramids hid inside, in which it was kept, so that they would accompany the dead on his journey to the afterlife, objects and paintings in the walls that represented him as he had wanted to express his identity. In the same way, in this exhibition we find, in addition to the photographs to which we have referred, ceramics with iconic signs expressive of various identities, and, in the form of amber “tiles” that have been left locked inside ―during the process of transformation of resin into that material that is amber that has inspired so many adventure novels―, different objects that also refer us to different identities, with the ability that some objects have to establish a direct relationship between them and those who possessed them, bringing us to remember his memory, real or invented.
All this and more is the project “Al Ghorfa (The Chamber), you, me, and everyone in between”, by Theresa Wilshusen, which can now be seen at La Posta Foundation. In the context of the development of her doctoral thesis, which she is doing under the mentorship of the director of the UPV Master’s Degree in Artistic Production Carlos Martínez Barragán, who accompanied us on the opening day. And in his own words: thanks to the deployment in installation format in the space of La Posta of the different elements that compose it, and seeing the interrelationships that arise between them (ceramics, amber, photography), it was possible to understand their meaning down to their last details. Truly, an immersive experience, in a pink atmosphere with an ad hoc sound setting that the artist has selected expressly for the occasion.