Plastic contexts


As I walked through L’Horta I collected small material remains: natural or discarded objects. He always accompanied the selection of...
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The evolution of the view on landscape as an object of study, analysis and reference in art over the years has served numerous artists in the development of its conceptualization. The purposes of that view, previously stagnant, are currently varied and interdisciplinary. The very conception of the landscape has changed over the centuries until reaching the present day where it is man and not nature that predominates over its construction. We are in the era of what the Nobel Prize in Chemistry Paul Crutzen called “Anthropocene”, a point of no return in which man is the transformer of the environment with a global and geological reach.

Entropic landscapes. The exhibition


The exhibition “Entropic Landscapes” is the end of the Workshop on Entropic Landscape, forming part of the [simulated] public participation process that has been proposed as part of the program of said Workshop, because, is in this way like all the rules and protocols of action in relation to with the declaration of Cultural Landscapes and Historical Sites demand it. From this perspective of the public participation process, what the exhibition seeks, like the rest of the activities planned in the public participation plan prepared by the participants in the Workshop, is to transmit to the public the experience of the identification and characterization of entropic landscapes, that we have been discovering in the different routes developed during the Workshop.

El Perellonet


The settlements known as El Perellonet has its origins in the gola of the same name, built in 1903. Next to it, the house was built for the person in charge and guard of the floodgates, where the Blayet family settled, to the present, which He runs a very famous restaurant in the town. The construction of the Nazareth-Oliva road in 1920 also contributed significantly to the formation of the settlements. In the 1930s, the first elver fishermen began to settle in very precarious huts, seeking proximity to the elver nurseries. These barracks would later be replaced on the mainland by the popular fishermen's houses characterized by their roof in the shape of an inverted catenary, which can be seen in what is known as the Marques de Valterra Housing Group, in honor of the man who was its promoter.

From river to river


The section of the old channel of the Turia River included between the Parque de Cabecera and the place where the bifurcation of the new channel occurs, is like an enclave, crossed by the boundaries of municipal areas (those of València, Mislata, Quart de Poblet and Paterna). A difficult territory to read. It seems like a zone of opportunities, for whoever can take them.

The straight line


Following a straight line on a landscape reconnaissance walk is a strategy that has many advantages.

Faitanar – Sociopolis – La Torre


(VAL) El recorregut Faitanar – Sociopolis – La Torre, inicialment pensat com una línia recta, encara que ateses les condicions del terreny, en particular el traçat de camins i carreteres seguint el parcel·lari configurat per a usos agrícoles, va obligar a anar adaptant-se a la realitat practicable, és el recorregut on trobem el paisatge més entròpic de tots els que ens vam trovar durant les jornades de visita de camp del taller. Es tracta de l'alqueria sota la gegantina infraestructura de l'accés de l'AVE a la ciutat, a l'estació de Joaquín Sorolla, localitzada en un punt molt proper a l'estació de metro de València Sud.