
LABi (Laboratory of thought, creation and diffusion of the image) stands as a space in which to experiment and investigate new avenues of study and understanding of the image in connection with citizen needs.

Politics(policies) of a cinema (to come)


In the fourth edition of CINEMA TO COME held in February and March 2016, they were raised in the Image Section a series of three dialogues at two levels: dialogues between current films and films from the filmic modernity, and dialogues between guests filmmakers and people from other disciplinary fields. All films chosen are highly political character, which a dialogic practice with political processes as linchpin was established. In addition, guests filmmakers they underwent a series of filmed interview in which he talked mainly about politics in contemporary cinema.

Workshop “Assertions and contradictions in participatory processes”


Saturday, May 9 in La Posta Foundation, second day of theoretical and practical workshop "Assertions and contradictions in participatory processes" in which the foundations, doubts and contradictions of such participation is addressed as conceived and applied at present.

Processual Cinema


Inside the plan of activities of the La Posta Foundation is presented as one of the gifted paragraphs own uniqueness, relating to Processual Cinema. Given their special characteristics, may be conducted on certain dates within the schedule of activities and exhibitions in La Posta Foundation, or you can traversing all programming, not only in terms of timing but also in content.