Round table: Geomatics and new cartographies in contemporary art


In the framework of Jeannette Unite's exhibition “Geomatics: Land | Law | Minerals”, we held a round table on December 4, 2024: “Geomatics and new cartographies in contemporary art”, with the participation of the exhibition curators Guillem Cervera and Sara María Rodríguez (Matilde Igual excused her absence), and we also had the participation of Lamia Mohacht and Lucía Firbas.

PLEASE TOUCH. CaSO4.2H2O. Raul Leon-Mendoza


Generally at exhibitions we usually find signs that say “Please don't touch”. However, in the case of Raúl León Mendoza's exhibition CaSO4.2H2O, it is necessary for the public to touch and hold the works on display with their hands. Because it is not just about shapes and colors, but you must also appreciate the weight and texture of the different materials used

Graphic work and publishing house


Within the framework of the exhibition "Oh secret voice of dark love", with works by Jesús Martínez Oliva, Mili Hernández will be with us on Friday, November 17 at 7:00 p.m. In the context of illustrating written texts, editorial work appears to be particularly relevant. For this reason we have invited the editor, the person who founded, together with other partners, FLORES RARAS, to share with us the experience of an adventure such as publishing books, and, in particular, illustrated books, an experience that Added to the bookstore, as a whole, are some work experiences that we think can be enormously useful for the LGTBIQ+ group.

“The Nomadic Life and the place of Rincón of Ademuz”. Colloquium


Nomadic life has its landscapes, such as those that can be seen in the exhibition "The Nomadic Life". In the cities: under the bridges, or old obsolete industrial areas where wild nature has returned, like those recorded by Joost Conijn in the audiovisual “Siddieqa, Firdaus, Abdallah, Soelayman, Moestafa, Hawwa in Dzoel-kifl”, made in Amsterdam; or those that Denis Ponté has photographed: “Nomadic Community Garden” and “Left for Dead”, made in London and New York. Also open field landscapes: refuges in the mountains, and desolate places where no one would look for you, like those photographed by Ulrike von Gültlingen: “Hohrodberg”, military buildings in Alsace; or the sea of stones of Arroyo Cerezo (Rincón de Ademuz) that the geologist Enrique Gil Bazán has studied, and that we show in “The Nomadic Life” on a research wall.

Drag Conversations


Drag has traditionally been associated with the night shows of the LGTBIQ+ scene and with certain social environments. But nothing to do with what the collective is experiencing at the present time.

Resist to exist: women in the professional field


(VAL) El proper dissabte 10 de març a les 12:00h tindrà lloc la trobada "Resistir per a existir: la dona en l'àmbit professional", organitzat per Labi 02 (Laboratori de pensament, creació i difusió de la imatge), un projecte del Màster en Fotografia, Art i Tècnica de la UPV en col·laboració amb la Fundació la Posta.

Graffiti digital Workshop


On Sunday, May 7 at 6:00 p.m., LABi (Laboratory of thought, creation and dissemination of the image) will have a workshop led by the Tunisian architect and artist Khairi Jemli. This workshop, which will be attended by Valencian graffiti artists Juzfu, Captus and Fuelle, will be to bring the public closer to new ways of understanding and creating urban art thanks to technology.