Nomadic life has its landscapes, such as those that can be seen in the exhibition "The Nomadic Life". In the cities: under the bridges, or old obsolete industrial areas where wild nature has returned, like those recorded by Joost Conijn in the audiovisual “Siddieqa, Firdaus, Abdallah, Soelayman, Moestafa, Hawwa in Dzoel-kifl”, made in Amsterdam; or those that Denis Ponté has photographed: “Nomadic Community Garden” and “Left for Dead”, made in London and New York. Also open field landscapes: refuges in the mountains, and desolate places where no one would look for you, like those photographed by Ulrike von Gültlingen: “Hohrodberg”, military buildings in Alsace; or the sea of stones of Arroyo Cerezo (Rincón de Ademuz) that the geologist Enrique Gil Bazán has studied, and that we show in “The Nomadic Life” on a research wall.