Regardless of the intrinsic value of the work "The Most Electrified Town in Finland", Mika Taanila, view dOCUMENTA (13) 2012 Kassel (Germany), we show in this screening, was struck by the form of display by the use of multi-screen, and what is most important to us, for the contextualization of the cinematographic work connecting it with an installation in another room that mixes the exhibition of another film by Mika Taamila "Sommerreise" 2006 (this time shown in a micro tv), a documentary about Erkki Kurenniemi ―nuclear-scientist, composer, inventor of electronic musical instruments, experimental filmmaker, industrial-robotics specialist―, which can be seen alongside objects corresponding to work of this scientific-artist and information technology obsolete displayed to mode archaeological remains all in the Orangerie in Kassel that houses the Kabinett der Astronomie und Physik. It seems as if contemporary art, as well as centers that house, after confused with a museum of anthropology, now it blends into a Science Museum.