Cineforum: The transformed space


From the Buddhist territories to the Paris of the 20s, this selection is an articulation around the landscape and what it entails: suffering, revolt, disappearance, loneliness...

Pocket Chronicles by Carlos Maiques


I have always seemed to see Carlos Maiques as an authentic bearer of a gift, although I will insist on the possibility that, in addition, he strives to offer another; this maybe yes, linked to a certain exchange. The first gift refers to the ability to see and do beyond expectations. The possibility of stopping in a very specific space, delimited and parceled paper, the essence of a specific situation.



An INNER NATURE EXHIBITION project in which La Posta Foundation is participating in a very active way. In its 3rd edition it is proposed as an itinerant international exhibition (we explain what it consists below), a call organized by the Art and Environment Research Center of the Polytechnic University of Valencia , focusing on this issue on the problems and opportunities that water management poses today. Question on which Francesc La Roca, of the New Water Culture Foundation, updated us on the day of the presentation of the exhibition in the auditorium of the IVAM, on November 10, 2017.

Look Voyeur


The WDC group formed by: Walker Citizen (Elia Torrecilla), Damian von Rosemarín (Pepe Romero) and Camomille de Rodríguez (Almudena Millán), have been working since 2015 "Unobserved Actions", heirs of the "Street Works" The sixties in NY, are spontaneous and imperceptible performances that constitute poetic microrrelates immersed in the everyday and in which it interacts with the citizens and the environment.

Transit in the limits by the routes of Apology/Anthology (HAMACA)


The works selected for this presentation of Apology/Anthology them make up one of the possible routes through compilation, certainly in the limits of the categories that organize it (conceptual, dismantling and appropriation, political and social, gender identity, sexual orientation and body policies) seeking the areas of intersection with the field of film essay or creative documentary film. The resulting route has been characterized by repairing works that deepen the uprooting and the art of memory.

Public to Come (II)


Public to Come (II) will consist of a series of work sessions of the group of spectators and participants in the activities of Cinema to Come 2017, which go on to elaborate their own film works; sessions of a Workshop of Publics to come (II) that will be developed during the month of May in La Posta Foundation. The culmination of the process will be the public presentation of the resulting works on May 27, at 8:00 pm, at the La Posta Foundation.

Graffiti digital Workshop


On Sunday, May 7 at 6:00 p.m., LABi (Laboratory of thought, creation and dissemination of the image) will have a workshop led by the Tunisian architect and artist Khairi Jemli. This workshop, which will be attended by Valencian graffiti artists Juzfu, Captus and Fuelle, will be to bring the public closer to new ways of understanding and creating urban art thanks to technology.

Work in Progress. Meeting


Last Monday, April 3, in the framework of the exhibition Work in Progress organized by LABi (Laboratory of thought, creation and diffusion of the image), which is being developed in collaboration with the Master in Photography, Art and Technique of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, there was a meeting, open to the public, of students of the Master (Lola Calzada, Cristina Fuertes, Vicent Soriano and Almudena Soullard), with various professionals from the world of culture (Nuria Enguita, Hassan G. López, Ibán Ramón, Joan Cerveró, Ismael Chappaz and Vicente José Benet)

Subject in question


With the performance-installation "Subject in question" the artist seeks to question the language of images.

2009. Guillain-Barre


La Posta Foundation participates in FICAE 3 in the "Spaces of Reflection" block with the Conversa(c)tion "2009. Guillain-Barre" by Pepa L. Poquet with Pep Miralles.